Saturday, February 5, 2011

Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers


Brilliant Swedish short movie - Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers was actually premiered at 2001 Cannes Film Festival and has received many awards ever since. It is a short movie about six crazy percussionists, who invade an apartment and make outstanding music with simple household objects. It is a wacky idea executed in such a lovable way. 
I missed this one back in 2001. so for me this was a delightful discovery. For those of you who have already seen Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers, and I am sure loved it as much as I did, you are going to be interested to hear that a feature-length film has been made called Sound of Noise .It is inspired by this short and it had its premiere in Sweden in December so I guess we will be able to see it soon. I can hardly wait for this one.


  1. Pre nekoliko godina sam na TV-u video 30 sekundi ovoga ali nikada nisam pronasao - ko su autori i kako se zove ova vesela skupina.
    Hvala na otkricu!

  2. Nema na cemu iliti my pleasure =)

  3. Mmmmm da, slazem se.
    Svi "muzicki komadi" u filmu su potpuno genijalni.
